Saturday, June 19, 2010

Taking care of sterling jewelry in warm summer months.

Taking proper care of our sterling silver jewelry can require a little more work than just storing it in a plastic baggie when we're not wearing it. Here are some ways our jewelry can start to look dull or tarnished in these hot summer months.
  1. Do not wear silver jewelry in a swimming pool or hot tub. The harsh chlorine can "etch" the silver and instantly give it a dark patina and possibly even a black patina. More chemicals are used in pools in the summer but, even in winter months chlorine can do severe damage to silver.
  2. Lotions and potions should be applied well before you put your jewelry on. This includes perfumes, lotions, medications and sunscreen.
  3. Year round hormonal fluctuations can also affect silver's finish. The body releases toxins from the body when we perspire, so hot weather or simply hormonal changes can make silver tarnish.
  4. We tend to eat more acidic fruits in the summer months which can make for a higher acid content in our sweat. may notice a bracelet or a neck chain showing a dark patina, or even black because it's resting on an area of the body that holds more moisture.
  5. Salt water is harsh on silver. So....planning a trip to Hawaii? You can take your silver jewelry, but if you plan to snorkel it's advised to leave your jewelry in your hotel room's safe.
If any of these issues cause your jewelry to show a dark or black patina, there is hope. Simply rinse the jewelry under warm water and use a mild liquid hand soap. When it is completely dry, use a high quality silver polishing cloth and rub it until you see the original shine and finish come back. In some cases the damage may be too severe. Especially in the case of long term exposure to chlorine, high acid or hormonal reasons. You can try a cream polish for silver which can be found in the cleaning section at most grocery stores. Use caution with porous material such as pearls or shells and also any antiqued jewelry. These cleaners can also be quite harsh so read the manufacturer's label carefully. 

If you have any specific questions regarding your jewelry, feel free to email us at and we will try to help you. We do sell our own brand of polishing cloth that will be available on our web site soon or you can purchase one at your favorite boutique that carries our products.